Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Basic Human Facial Parts

In this Post, there will be detailed parts on Face, Mouth and Ears. The precision of such usage is important in your scene description. For example, 'She punches him on the face.' to 'She punches him on his mouth . His lips split, and blood stream down his chin.'

Source: http://vanda51.blogspot.com/2010/01/face.html

Source: http://www.cancervic.org.au/about-cancer/cancer_types/mouth_nose_and_throat_cancers

Source: http://hotpicturestop.com/picture/145266-172692/

Please leave comments, tips and other important parts. Thank you

Monday, November 29, 2010

Human Facial Expressions

Human Facial Expressions are very important aspect in writing, in my opinion. "He smiles" and "He smirks" give totally different meaning in how we understand both the character's emotion then and the circumstances.

Source: http://www.tpub.com/content/draftsman/14263/css/14263_203.htm

Source: http://www.tpub.com/content/draftsman/14263/css/14263_204.htm

Please leave comments or add more expression when you found some. Thank you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Basic Human Body Parts

Here goes my first post.

Basic Human Body Parts

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Human_body_features.jpg/715px-Human_body_features.jpg

Grand Vision of Library of the Writers' Mind


I'm currently studying Creative Writing at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Being an international student, Creative Writing is somewhat very challenging to me, especially the description of parts of items. For example, a ship, which has prow, mast, deck, stern etc. Therefore, I am thinking of establishing this blog up so that I can store my knowledge of parts down for three main reasons.

1. For my own sake. I will always update parts of items with pictures as frequent as possible so that they will become useful when I start writing stories.

2. For other writer wannabes' sake. I hope my collective work here would provide useful information to fellow young writers out there.

3. Asking for your supports. I realise that the world of any language is too big for a foreigner to explore, no matter how hard that person tries. Therefore, I am asking you to help contribute your knowledge to my blog, please. Your contributions mean so much to me and whoever that find this blog useful.

So, as an end note. This blog starts with me. This blog will only grow if you helped. Thank you.